Monday 19 December 2011

The Character

Everyone have their own character. character is personality. If you know your character will work well in social network and suitable for your professional work.
The type of character
According to the psychological process of the character advantage into four categories:
(1) cerebral by reason to measure all and control the action;
(2) emotional type is deep emotional experience, mainly by the mood influence behaviour to measure-all and control the action
(3) will type--have more apparent purpose, will insist, behaviour active
(4) reason-will type-with cerebral and the characteristics of the type of will.
According to the character of the psychological activity directional divided into two broad categories:
(1) Introverted:Pay attention to the subjective world, often immersed in self appreciation and fantasies, only have interest for yourself , cold or despise to others.
(2)Outgoing: Pay attention to the objective world, to objective things and people are interested in.
According to the character of the independence character will be divided into two broad categories:
(1) The independent model. Independent thinking, is not easy to suffer interference, a retired.
(2) Submissive.Vulnerable to suggest that an emergency easy to panic.
According to the characteristics of the person's mood will be divided into the following five types of character:
Type A, emotional characteristics not stable, and social adaptability is poorer; Character rough, grumpy, overly competitive, eager to hope for success; Masses relationship is poorer, easy and others friction, and do not pay attention to improve, this trend more
Type B-emotional features and social adaptability are relatively steady, but lack of leading; Communicative ability is not strong, intelligent and not too developed; The energy, the physical; And so on all common; Usually don't want to do is advanced, and unwilling to lag behind.
C-emotional characteristics and stability, and good social adaptability; Don't worry not rashness, docile personality, a steady, not sinners, have the taste of a good old boy; Don't worry not rashness, docile personality, a steady, not sinners, have the taste of a good old boy; leadership work ability is poor.
Type D-emotional characteristics and stability, and social adaptability is strong, the good relationship; Have working ability, and ability of organization; Works is responsible earnestly, positive initiative, Ken, think, can be a dominant player.
E type characteristics of emotional stability and social adaptability poor; Like alone thinking problem, not too with people, seldom go out, have their own preferences and interest; In professional research and hobbies, spirit, and has a certain accomplishment And expertise. Character is withdrawn, loftiness, often feel "talent", some problems of reality managed, and don't want to change.

The fourth classification method is popular in recent years. According to this method classification, the type A personality is the worst of all, type D is the best, and the rest also should carry forward several character strengths, overcome shortcomings.

"Find out your character and knows others character, everything could be successful!" An ancient of Chinese said.

Bad Love( Thirst for Possession)

  Flick laine is detective work at Denver Plolice Department, she met doctor Jack Daly at party as his friend Judy Kaplan's house. Flick and Jack talk some and Jack want to see Flick again, then Flick gave phone number to him. After party, Flick talked to Judy about Jack, Judy said:" He's very good doctor, all the rich people go to him, you know, movie stars, sports stars, he's famous at the hospital." Judy is a doctor too, work at the university hospital. "oh, famous, is he?" Flick said," I don't like famous people." Judy looked into his eyes. "oh, come on, detective Laine, you like him! Iwatched you with him, all the women like him,"
  The next mondy, Jack Daly phoned Flick to meet at Black Cat coffee shop on Broadway, jack want to talk to her about something, but she never saw Jack again. Jack Dead. On Wednesday, Flick's boss Leo Cohn called her into his office talk about Jack killed by himself  but Flick don't think so.
  Flick drove fast and turned the radio on, it was song'cold cold heart', fifteen minutes later, she was at his office, he saw his dead body was lying over his desk and the gun was in his right hand. she took pictureand took some fingerprints of the room and the gun. He thought about Judy's party and Jack with a glass in his left hand, Flick think it murder, someone killed Jack.
  Mark Johnson is a cleaning man, he found the body when she clean and phoned the police. Flick talked with Mark and notice him to call her when he think of anything important. After Flick talked to Judy,"Dead? what....? How.....?" Judy said. " I don't know, he died in his office." Flick said. Judy opened her eyes again and looked at me,"so you think....?Judy face was white,Flick asked Judy how long does he work in hospital anybody don't like Jack, Judy said Jack was in Florida, Miami, before he come here them judy stood up and left
  A detective Pany Reno phoned Flock when Flick look at photos. Reno said:" more news about Jack body,we found a letter in Jack office too, it just says, 'you're never going to forget Jeff Banker, They're going to looking for Jeff Baker.'
  Clearner Johson called Flick one evening, two weeks after the murder, he thought one day, he opened the doorto jack office to clean and left the key in the door like always, he started to clean the office when he finised and want to close the door, but the key wasn't there, then he just close the door and clean the next office, when he came back to Jack office one hour laterk the key was there again in the door. Flick know someone took the key to copy then easy later to go into Jack office and get his gun. Flick asked make keys person somebody made key there like this at 2 weeks ago in Tue Morning about 8:30, His wife told to Flick a young woman, pretty about twenty- five or six and short brown hair.
  The next day, Flick saw a women running fast into green Toyota and drove away when she and Judy was in cemetery, Flick had colorado pky 2497 car number and called Reno to help her find out, she got address then go forwared to 2327 snowmass street, Aspen, Colorado. Flick found Jeff was dead, he's Jack patien was there, Jeff didn't take pills then he kill himself but his sister Sandy Baker think is Jack killed the only person her had in the world. Flick think Sandy killed Jack, Sand said:" I hate Jack but i'm not killed him." when Flick go back home was 'Bad Love' music went on.
  Flick thought about the day at cemetery ,"Jack was a ladies men, he always had a lot of girlfriends!" Judy said, she was angry when she said that and the day of the party at her house, when she said,"you like him, I watched you with him, all the women like him," Judy was Jack girlfriend but she wasn't the only women for him, she love Jack but he didn't love her, so Judy's love was bad love, the kind of love that makes you kill a person. the day when I told Judy I didn't think Jack killed himself, I thought about Judy's white face and how she left quickly, she was afraid because my firend Judy killed Jack.
  Flick called Leo, at five o'clock in the moring, Flick watched Reno take Judy away form her house.Flick drove and drove for long long way.

Friday 9 December 2011

Let me out( respect to everyone and give love to everything include robot)

  A men 30 years old, he lives in an apartment with his dog Sam, he makes robot call Nolan. Nolan can communicate with people, He going to working in John's aprtment instead John.
  John lives in a small apartment, it has four rooms inculde: the living room, the bedroom, a kitchen and a bathroom. It's a nice apartment but it dirty. John is always working, He doesn't clean the apartment then Nolan going to help him.
  Evey day Nolan clean John's apartment, wash his jeans and shirts by washing machine and iron it, makes his food. Nolan control the apartment, he can open and close the door and windows, lock door at night, so nobody can coming in apartment, make things go on and go off. He can control the iron, this maks the cloths flat and nice but he can't control the dog Sam beacause Sam doesn't lisent to Nolan. Nolan thinks, Saw doesn't work but I work all the time, he just sits and walks and eats but john likes Sam, I don't understand this. "The dog is worg, he doesn't work well, I work very well", Nolan say.
    "In the evening John goes out and Sam goes with him , at eleven o'clock John and Sam come home, Nolan hear them and open the door, John laughs, he's happy, " but I never go out with John, I'm not happy, I open and close doors. I can't do andything but John never ask me and takes me out with him. He takes Sam, I don't like Sam, Sam makes a big noise when I'm in the kithch with John and Sam, Sam is a bad dog"  Nolan say. John laughs and say:" Sam doesn't understand robots, He think you're boy, He doesn't like boys." "Sam must go" Nolan say,He put Sam out and he comes back again, "I can't contral him how is Sam going to die It Isn't easy but I know Sam loves cookies" Nolan say.
  Nolan wait until John goes out,then he open kitchen window and gives cookies to Sam in the window, Sam goes out of the window and goes down. John is crying and shouting when he see Sam, John is angry, John decide to stop Nolan, Nolan say:" no, I must stop you, I can't die, you must die."
  Nolan lock the bath room door when John takes Sam into the bathroom and close fancet to stops water. " your're my robot, you doing great job, I love you so much. Let me out". Now, John has no food and no water. " Goodbye John." Noland say. Noland wait for 5 days then open the bathroom. John is on the floor, Noland put him into the bath then he put water into the bath. "Now Sam and John are clean. I'm a very good robot, then I make coffe, but there's no-one there." Norlan think it isn't good so He must have new John, he's going to love me. He begin to find new John.
  Hi, my name's Nolan, nice to meet you, I'm a very good robot, Can I come home with you?

Monday 5 December 2011


Year to years, one of season of yeas called winter has been come, I remenber fist year of winter in Toronto, it's fist time I see snowing in my life. I grow up in south of China, temperture is warm and never snowing. I like to see snow, children make snow ball and through it, make snow man for fun. we can skilting on snow, play snowbording.
  I like winter, I like to join Chrismas and new years Holiday in Canada winters.


   I wish you a Merry Christmas, I wish you ..........! Christmas came from Christion celebrat of the bith of the son of God. Christmas is a National holiday in Canada. Employee can get pay without work, aroud Christmas shops offer 50% off, it sounds like to attract customers for looking Christmas gifts. Espeacially at boxing day sales from Dec 26 to 28, stores give discount to more than 50%. It's very good time to shop and save money. I would suggest you to shopping at this time if you doesn't  need merchandise immediately.
  Every year, Canadians celebrate Chrristma: Christmas trees and SantaClaus everywhere, some of them have Christmas party and eat turky on Chrismas, exchange gift and Christmas card with friend, Others go on a vacation at Christmas. Everyone enjoys themselfe on Christmas. Ho!Ho!Ho! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!